
Our lives are filled with adventure and excitement so sharing those details brings me great joy! Ease into the Davis household through tales spun and truths revealed. Feel free to laugh :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lost My Mind

Yes, the results are in, I have officially lost my mind.  That's what several area moms say to me when they hear I have chosen to stay at home and keep all three of my children at home 24/7/365.  "What?!?  I would go crazy if I had to be with my kids all the time.  There is no way I could survive that!" say the moms in disbelief, "How do you do it?"

It is a day by day choice, that is not easy or at all glorious.  Yet, I know, we know (my partner for life) this is what we are to do.  We have rough days, tearful days, sick days, bickering days, messy days, and even angry days.  Thankfully those are not the norm, nor are they so bad that I decide to throw them all into a big yellow bus and say good-bye.

Being with my 3 cherubs gives me the opportunity to model...scary because I blow it all the time...godly living, honoring attitudes, integrity in actions, and how to serve each other.  That opportunity will only last as long as they are in this house.  It can seem like an eternity these 18 years plus.  And yet, there are moments when I look at my 10 year old still, and say where has the time gone?

This opportunity also gives me the chance to ponder, "If there were no laws governing what to teach my child what would I most want him to know?"  Think about it...

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