The weather over the last 5 weeks has proven that Ohio skies can change and temperatures can plummet in a matter of moments. The old addage "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" ...yeah, well not this year. The first week of March brought hail, torrents of rain, floods, and tornadoes. Our basement filled with water as our 12 year old sump pump retired peacefully in the night. The rest of March proved equally angry, thunderstorms, rain, tornado warnings, and finally high wind advisories! With gusts up to 100 miles per hour!
Yesterday ferocious thunderheads shook the house so hard the dishes in my cupboards threatened to smash forth. That brought on my daughter's comment, "Mom, the sky is so grumbly today."
We have days of grumbling, even the scriptures warn against grumbling and complaining. I would like to grumble about our unique spring weather and the difficulty it has caused our family. It's April, today started out in the 50s, by lunch had dropped into the 30s and snow was falling as we drove to our choir location. As we traveled along route 36 heading east the rivers we crossed had swelled their banks and filled yards and fields with brown rushing liquid. My tulips are a good six inches above the ground and probably wondering why. "AH! Retreat, return underground and wait until this season of spring gives us some more dependable precipitation and friendlier temperatures!"
Alas, the lamb of March has lost her way. It is now April and the only lamb I will be thinking about is the Lamb who was slain and His ultimate sacrifice for us. Jesus, thank-you. I will stop my grumbling now...
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